The end is near!

The End Is Near!The end is near!

As we approach the end of 2021, we must remember that at the same time last year we had hopes and dreams for a better year.

Hope seems to be the general attitude year after year. Hope is good, but actionless hope is a waste of time. We should always expect love, peace, health and prosperity, fully understanding what we are waiting for.


High (misguided) Expectations

While at the end of 2020 we expected love, peace, health and prosperity for 2021, the attitude of many was far from their words.


Many have allowed the media with its narrative of division – and politics – to fill their hearts with hatred for anyone with a different opinion. I’ve seen neighbors against neighbors, friends against friends and families breaking up over this nonsense.

Leave anger, and forsake wrath; do not in any way be indignant to do evil.
Psalm 37:8


Many hoped for peace, but took to the streets to hurt their fellow citizens, burning buildings and destroying what they didn’t build.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God;
Matthew 5:9


Many were severely affected by the Chinese virus and many lost loved ones in 2021. Many did not exercise their body, spirit or mind. They ate junk, watched junk, listened to junk, and treated their body, mind and spirit like a garbage can. The number of mental health cases soared. Due to the lock downs, loneliness and despair led to an increase in suicides.

Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who dwells in you, from God, and that you are not your own?
Because you were bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which belong to God.
1 Corinthians 6:19,20


Where did we go wrong?

The tendency to desire and expect love, peace, health and prosperity will live on. The same people will – out of their mouth – say that this is what they want. But is that really what they expect? I think not. We err when we begin to focus on blessings (love, peace, health, and prosperity) and ignore the One who blesses.


What can we do?

If you really want to be blessed in 2022, your hope MUST be properly placed in the Lord and accompanied by actions. Only the Lord can deliver love, peace, health and prosperity. He is love and peace is his shalom. When it comes to health, realize that you have absolutely no control over your next heartbeat, or whether you’re going to enjoy your next breath. However, having “hope” in health is not a viable strategy. You must eat good food and exercise. Eating good physical, mental and spiritual food is essential for your physical, mental and spiritual health. Do your part where possible. But, understand that when it comes to the impossible, it depends on the Lord and no one else.

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I strengthen you, and help you, and uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness.
Isaiah 41:10



I purposely left this subject last. While money is part of it, prosperity is not about money. Prosperity is about you. It’s the measure of you as a whole. The world defines prosperity as “good fortune” and “social status” that produce wealth and financial success. But prosperity is much more than that.

For what good would a man gain all the world and lose his soul?
Mark 8:36

So when you expect prosperity, you must be desiring life.

Yeshua said to him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, except through me.
John 14:6

You have to change your understanding of what prosperity is. Shift from the world’s definition to the biblical definition. When that happens your prosperity will change completely. To understand that Yeshua is Life is to understand that desiring the One who blesses is desiring your own prosperity. When your hope is in Him, He Himself will provide you with everything you need.



The desire, positive thinking and hope that the world presents is FAKE. Get back to the basics – The Bible and what it says about each of the things you are hoping for. Your hopes will come as a result of some behavioral changes and expectation adjustments. So understand that this is a commitment between you and the Lord. But, this is REAL. Unlike the prosperity gospel nonsense and the definition the world presents, it’s about you and your own relationship with the Lord. You won’t be able to fake it with HIM. So stop playing the role of a believer and start believing. Be a believing believer.

Wishing each of you and your families, a 2022 filled with the Lord and His blessings.


Rabbi Douglas