Covid-19 And The Vaccine Mandate

Covid-19 And The Vaccine Mandate

In response to the community members requesting assistance and information related to religious exemptions for the Covid-19 vaccine and the governmental mandate. We want to clarify our position and provide a clear path to understanding where we stand.

Our Faith

Our faith is informed by what is written in the bible ONLY without regard to politics , trends or government. We believe that an unborn child is a child of GOD. Period, Full Stop.

For you created my inmost being;

you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

Psalm 139:13

Therefore, due to the fact that abortion-derived cells were utilized in the development of every COVID-19 vaccine on the market, we find such behavior ungodly, abhorrent and inhumane. We find it to be disgusting and a direct violation to our beliefs. Anyone willing to utilize any products that were tested, derived or are by-products of aborted children has committed a sin and is in need of repentance. Nevertheless, this satanic action is not something that we will be a part of.


We understand and respect the individual decisions of our members. However, we ask that any member or associate who has chosen to engage in such a satanic action to seek another community to congregate. 

Religious Exemptions

Please utilize the links below to download important information that may be of value to your religious exemption request. Although we are not attorneys, do not wish to engage on any extra-biblical discussions, and are not here to give you any sort of medical advice. This is our sincere belief and we ask you to respect it and leave us alone to practice our religion per our belief and understanding of the bible.


We are NOT telling any members or anyone else to choose to take or not take the COVID-19 vaccine. This is your choice alone. But, we want to be upfront and let you know that this Community of Israel is exclusively focused on biblical truth and nothing else.


Community Of Israel