
The Celebration of Purim

The Celebration of Purim: A Story of Courage and Faith Happy Purim to All! Today, the Jewish world celebrates the joyful holiday of Purim. But what exactly is this holiday, …

His Love Endures Forever song by Douglas DoNascimento

HIS Love Endures Forever

HIS Love Endures Forever In a world filled with turmoil and uncertainty, one thing remains steadfast: the enduring love of the Lord. Douglas DoNascimento’s latest song “HIS Love Endures Forever“ …

Call To PEACE - A song by Douglas DoNascimento


Call to PEACE In times of war and conflict, one message rises above the chaos: peace. Douglas DoNascimento’s powerful new song “Call to PEACE“ delivers this message loud and clear. …


Old Time Prayer Meetings

Old Time Prayer Meetings I just recently finished the book Through the Fire, without burning by Dimitru Duduman, a Romanian who lived under oppressive communism in Romania. I recommend it …

The End Is Near!

The end is near!

The end is near! As we approach the end of 2021, we must remember that at the same time last year we had hopes and dreams for a better year. …

Yeshua and the Festival of Lights

Yeshua and the Festival of Lights

Yeshua and the Festival of Lights The Festival of Lights is happening all over the world and believers from every nation are lighting their hanukkiahs (Hanukkah Menorah) in memory of …