
The Celebration of Purim

The Celebration of Purim: A Story of Courage and Faith Happy Purim to All! Today, the Jewish world celebrates the joyful holiday of Purim. But what exactly is this holiday, …

His Love Endures Forever song by Douglas DoNascimento

HIS Love Endures Forever

HIS Love Endures Forever In a world filled with turmoil and uncertainty, one thing remains steadfast: the enduring love of the Lord. Douglas DoNascimento’s latest song “HIS Love Endures Forever“ …

Call To PEACE - A song by Douglas DoNascimento


Call to PEACE In times of war and conflict, one message rises above the chaos: peace. Douglas DoNascimento’s powerful new song “Call to PEACE“ delivers this message loud and clear. …


Old Time Prayer Meetings

Old Time Prayer Meetings I just recently finished the book Through the Fire, without burning by Dimitru Duduman, a Romanian who lived under oppressive communism in Romania. I recommend it …


Covid-19 And The Vaccine Mandate

Covid-19 And The Vaccine Mandate In response to the community members requesting assistance and information related to religious exemptions for the Covid-19 vaccine and the governmental mandate. We want to …



ORIGINAL Worship & Adoração Music CD We are happy to announce that our first music CD ORIGINAL Worship & Adoração is now available everywhere. We are really blessed by the …

YHVH Our Elohim

YHVH Our Elohim

YHVH Our Elohim YHVH Our Elohim desires to comfort His people. A time of refreshing by the Spirit of Grace is now upon us, to restore sight to the blind …