The Nazarene Statement of FaithStatement of Faith.

We are Nazarenes the original followers of Yeshua of Nazareth – Our savior. This is our statement of faith.

At the time of the first coming, the Nazarenes were comprised of Jews and Gentiles that chose to believe and follow The Way.

The Nazarenes and the Hellenistic movement called christianity, existed at the same time and were often confused by historians. But, the Nazarenes were very different in many aspects.


The Nazarenes

The Nazarenes understood that Yeshua’s purpose was not to create a new religion, but instead, to point to The Way back to the Father. Meaning, Yeshua never abolished the law. Instead, he fulfilled the law and showed us The Way to accomplish the same through love.

If you love me, keep my commands.

John 14:15

The Nazarenes never joined the Hellenistic movement and had no part on the creation of the orthodox church that gave birth to the catholic church, the crusades, the inquisitions, protestantism and so on. History tells us that both Jewish and Nazarenes were hunted and killed by the christians in an attempt to erase the real origins and the essence of Yeshua’s message. We are glad that today many are waking up to the truth.


What is to be a Nazarene?

The Nazarene faith requires alignment with our Lord and Savior Yeshua of Nazareth. In the most simplistic way, we strive to do what he did and not do what he did not do. So, if he kept a Holy Day, we do the same. If he fed the poor, we do the same. If he stood against commercialism in the church, we do the same, etc…

According to the Nazarene Writings, Yeshua grew up in Nazareth, a town in Galilee, now in the northern part of Israel. Beyond the geographic location, been a Nazarene has religious significance. Learn more here.


Our Statement of Faith

  1. We believe it is through Yeshua of Nazareth and by his grace alone that anyone can receive salvation.
  2. We believe that love for Yeshua is the basis for us to follow him.
  3. We believe in returning to the Hebrew roots and the original understanding  of the true faith as it is outline on the holy bible.
  4. We believe the times Yeshua referred to the scriptures, he was referring to the Torah (The Law of Moses) and the Tanakh (The Old Testament).
  5. We observe the Tanakh as Yeshua did.
  6. We believe the apostles and disciples were practicing followers of Yeshua. As such, they followed his exemple and the commandments.
  7. We believe that Judaism has been a blessing to the world and that the Gospels in the Nazarene writings (New Testament) are a continuation of the word of Elohim.
  8. We believe that the entire bible – Tanakh and Nazarene Writings (Old and New Testaments), is the word of God for the salvation of all who believe.
  9. We believe in the infallibility of the bible.
  10. We believe that only scripture should interpret scripture.
  11. We believe that a text out of context is a pretext. We strive to pray, read, understand and learn the bible from the bible itself.
  12. We believe that theologian’s commentary, expert opinions, historical data, apocryphal writings, etc. can be a good source of information. However, such information may not be used to create doutrine.
  13. We believe theology must come from the bible alone.
  14. We believe in one God. We believe the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God himself.
  15. We believe that all Scripture was inspired by God for all people.
  16. We believe that the God of Abraham reviews himself and his will for humanity through his holy Scriptures.
  17. We believe in the resurrection of the dead. We believe that Yeshua is returning to earth and that all knees will bow down to him.
  18. We believe that Yeshua (The Son), the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) and Adonai (The Father) are One person.
  19. We believe that Yeshua was conceived and resurrected by the Ruach HaKodesh. In regards to his conception, we believe that Joseph his step-father had no part in his conception.

This is not an all inclusive list of what we believe.


We do not believe or follow the Talmud (Oral Torah), the halakhah (Rabbinic rulings) or the traditions of man.
