ORIGINAL Worship & Adoração Music CD
We are happy to announce that our first music CD ORIGINAL Worship & Adoração is now available everywhere. We are really blessed by the amazing talent in this production and we give to GOD all Glory.
During these trying times some people tend to question where GOD is and why is He not intervening and “fixing” all of the world’s problems. Well, we are glad to proclaim that the LORD is still in full control of everything. We do the possible and He does the impossible.
Despite the difficulties of this life, we were able to gather the funds and produce this work that has now been distributed worldwide. For this to happen, the song performers and songwriters donated their time and songs, the studio discounted their rate, and this is the result.
As it was produced in English, Portuguese and Hebrew, we named the album “ORIGINAL Worship & Adoração” to reflect the multi-language origin of this production. Without further ado, here’s where you can listen to these songs of praise and worship.

4:21 The Great I AM (feat. Sally Chadbourne)
Sally Chadbourne (Songwriter & Performer) & Douglas DoNascimento (Performer)
2:38 Baruch Hashem
Douglas DoNascimento (Songwriter & Performer)
2:54 Visão Falsa
Hélio Lúcio (Performer) & Petronio Tavares (Songwriter)
5:11 Adoro a Ti
Eliane Melo (Performer) & Angelo Mele (Songwriter)
4:34 I Love You Yeshua
Douglas DoNascimento (Songwriter & Performer)
3:21 Vida Nova
Hélio Lúcio (Songwriter & Performer) & Missão ATOS ( (Songwriter)
3:19 Render-Te Adoração
Eliane Melo (Performer) & Solon Bezerra (Songwriter)
3:43 Filhos Dos Homens
Douglas DoNascimento (Songwriter & Performer)
Thank You Note
First and foremost, we thank the GOD of Abraham, our LORD and Savior, for making this possible.
We also would like to honor the song performers Hélio Lúcio, Eliane Melo and Sally Chadbourne for lending their voices with beautiful worship. We thank the songwriters Angelo Mele, Sally Chadbourne, Petronio Tavares, Solon Bezerra, Missão ATOS and Jorge Vasconcelos for donating their music to help raise funds for people affected by COVID-19. This work was supported by professor Rubem Soares and Nicole DoNascimento and it was recorded and directed by maestro Esdras Amorim at the prestigious Studio Ebano – Recife, PE Brazil.
Top 10 Ways You Can Help.
- Pray for the success of this project.
- Buy the digital album now and the CD when it becomes available.
- Share one of the links to a song each day to your friends and family. Ask them to share forward.
- Play the songs online. (An easy way to do this is to set the entire album to play quietly in the background as you work, study or clean the house.)
- Like, Comment and add to a playlist each of these songs on Spotify and YouTube. (Do not Skip the ads)
- If you are visiting another YouTube channel, suggest that people listen to this new awesome worship album.
- Embed the music on your videos, presentations, etc. (The more it plays the better changes we have to get paid)
- Distribute graphics and announcements about the music CD. (We will have some here for you to download)
- Call your local radio station and ask them to play one of the songs.
- Tell all your church friends to complete these 10 steps.
Thank you.