HIS Love Endures Forever

His Love Endures Forever song by Douglas DoNascimentoHIS Love Endures Forever

In a world filled with turmoil and uncertainty, one thing remains steadfast: the enduring love of the Lord. Douglas DoNascimento’s latest song HIS Love Endures Forever is a beautiful musical interpretation of Psalm 106:1-12, reminding us that, even in the midst of chaos and conflict, God’s love prevails.

With soul-stirring verses and a powerful chorus, this song speaks to the need for peace, faith, and redemption. While acknowledging human shortcomings and the trials we face, it highlights that through every storm and every trial, God’s love never fails. As we navigate difficult times, the song is a poignant reminder that only peace, rooted in love and justice, can heal the wounds of war.

“His Love Endures Forever” invites listeners to reflect on the miraculous power of God’s grace, urging us to give thanks, act justly, and trust in His unwavering love. In times of conflict, this message of peace and divine love offers hope and inspiration for all.

Listen to “HIS Love Endures Forever” and let its timeless message lift your spirit, reminding you that no matter what, GOD’s love endures forever.

HIS Love Endures Forever
by Douglas DoNascimento (Based on Psalm 106:1-12)

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good,
His love endures forever.
Who can proclaim the mighty acts of the Lord
Or fully declare His praise?
His love endures forever.

His love endures forever,
His love endures forever.
Through every trial and every storm,
His love endures forever.

Blessed are those who act justly,
Who always do what is right.
His love endures forever.
Remember me, Lord, when you show favor,
Come to my aid when you save them,
That I may enjoy the prosperity
Of Your chosen ones,
That I may share in the joy of Your nation
And join Your inheritance in giving praise.

His love endures forever,
His love endures forever.
Through every trial and every storm,
His love endures forever.

We have sinned, even as our ancestors did,
We have done wrong and acted wickedly.
His love endures forever.
When our ancestors were in Egypt,
They gave no thought to Your miracles;
They did not remember Your many kindnesses,
And they rebelled by the sea, the Red Sea.
His love endures forever.

Yet He saved them for His name’s sake,
To make His mighty power known.
He rebuked the Red Sea, and it dried up;
He led them through the depths as through a desert.
His love endures forever.

His love endures forever,
His love endures forever.
Through every trial and every storm,
His love endures forever.

He saved them from the hand of the foe;
From the hand of the enemy He redeemed them.
The waters covered their adversaries;
Not one of them survived.
His love endures forever.
Then they believed His promises
And sang His praise.
His love endures forever.

His love endures forever,
His love endures forever.
Through every trial and every storm,
His love endures forever.

His love endures forever,
His love endures forever.
Through every trial and every storm,
His love endures forever.
His love endures forever.
His love endures forever.