Good News!
In this Good News Special Announcement we focus on our priorities, the understanding of what Lordship is and what it requires. What is the good news? How can I tell people about this good news? Does it matter?
In today’s world, politics, division, argument and accusations have taken over and occupied the hearts and minds of “good” people. This is happening everywhere from social channels to the pulpit. People are constantly engaged on futile subjects that have been designed to distract them from their obligation.
We could say this is sad, but we won’t. This is predicted and as with everything predicted in Scriptures, this happens when people stop focusing on the objective they were ordained to focus on, and are distracted with this World and all its traps.
Your Obligation
Do you remember when you accepted Messiah as your Lord and Savior? Do you remember that the call to be born again was presented as accepting Him as Lord (first) and Savior (second)? The order in which this is presented in Scriptures is important. Accepting Yeshua’s Lordship is not just crucial – It is a requirement. This requirement comes with obligations to “separate,” to be “salt,” to “represent,” to “go,” etc.
Your obligation is to spread the good news about the Son of the God of Abraham, His sacrifice and His resurrection. To call people out of darkness into an understanding that only through Yeshua’s sacrifice and resurrection there’s LIFE. Your obligation is to grow from being a baby in faith to being an evangelist who represents the Gospel.
This Is An Alert
This is a cry to all that call (or once called) Yeshua their savior. STOP! Go back to the basics and FOCUS on the job in front of you. Your distracted behavior is not sustainable, and you will be called out before the LORD on this. Stop wasting time and effort debating your point of view on useless issues. Re-focus on the LORD’s ordinance on your life and tell people about the Savior. If someone doesn’t accept this alert and challenge, dust-off your sandals from their toxic attitude and move-on doing what the LORD told you to do.
Realize that some people and places do not accept the Lordship of the Savior. They will answer for themselves. Stay focused on what Yeshua HaMashiach did for you and what HE told you to do. Spread the good news of the Gospel to someone else now, today and everyday.
This is How
Here’s a simple to follow, step-by-step message that you need to spread:
God loves you. Jeremiah 31:3 / 1 John 4:8-10
God hates sin. psalm 5:5 / Proverbs 6:16-19
Even if you are a “good” person Proverbs 21:2
you have not lived a perfect life 1 John 1:8
– nor has anyone else. Ecclesiastes 7:20 / Romans 3:23
Your sin has separated you from God. Isaiah 59:2
Your payment for sin is death and Hell. Romans 6:23
But there is GOOD NEWS. Luke 2:10-11 / 1 Timothy 1:15
A perfect substitute can make your payment. 1 John 3:5
And God loves you so much John 3:16 / 1 John 4:10
that he gave Yeshua – HIS only Son – as your substitute. 2 Corinthians 5:21
And through Yeshua’s death Romans 4:25 / 1 Peter 3:18
you can have eternal life. John 17:3 / 1 John 5:11
And by Yeshua’s resurrection, death was defeated. John 11:25
This gift is completely free. Ephesians 2:8 / Romans 3:24
You could never deserve it, Galatians 2:16
and just by accepting this gift, Romans 10:13
your sins will be forgiven and forgotten. Psalm 103:12
You will be reconciled to God 2 Corinthians 5:18
and live with HIM forever. John 5:24
Here’s the Portuguese translation:
Deus ama você. Jeremias 31:3 / 1 João 4:8-10
Deus odeia o pecado. Salmo 5:5 / Provérbios 6:16-19
Mesmo se você se considera uma pessoa “boa” Provérbios 21:2
você não vive uma vida perfeita. 1 João 1:8
Pois ninguém vive. Eclesiastes 7:20 / Romanos 3:23
Seu pecado separa você de Deus. Isaías 59:2
O pagamento pelo pecado é a morte e o inferno. Romanos 6:23
Mas há BOAS NOTÍCIAS. Lucas 2:10-11 / 1 Timóteo 1:15
Um substituto perfeito fez o seu pagamento. 1 João 3:5
Deus ama você tanto, João 3:16 / 1 João 4:10
que ELE deu Yeshua – Seu único filho – como seu substituto. 2 Coríntios 5:21
E através da morte de Yeshua, Romanos 4:25 / 1 Pedro 3:18
você pode ter vida eterna. João 17:3 / 1 João 5:11
Pela ressurreição de Yeshua, a morte foi derrotada. João 11:25
Este presente é completamente grátis. Efésios 2:8 / Romanos 3:24
Você nunca poderia merecer isso. Gálatas 2:16
Apenas ACEITE este presente Romanos 10:13
e seus pecados serão perdoados e esquecidos. Salmo 103:12
Você será reconciliado com Deus Pai 2 Coríntios 5:18
e você viverá com ELE para sempre. João 5:24
If you already consider yourself a believer, you must reassess your priorities and what consumes your day. Repent and turn away from the distractions of this world and refocus your priorities and efforts on what the LORD has ordained you to do. Return to the basics of what Lordship means and what it requires. Here’s the message that should be in your lips today and everyday – the message of the Good News of Salvation:
God loves you, but your sins keep you separated from Him. For this reason, He provided His Son Yeshua to pay the price you couldn’t pay – death. Yeshua died and defeated death when He resurrected from the dead. This historical event changed the World as it allows you a path of reconciliation with God The Father. All you have to do is accept this free gift.
Recognize your separation from God, Turn away from your sins, accept Yeshua’s Lordship and Salvation. That’s it!
If you believe in this, let me know. I would love to walk you through the next steps on how to pursue sanctification and understanding of the LORD’s plans for your life.
Rabbi Douglas